Admissions applications end in 5 days
Applications end on the 15th January 2024.
Applications end on the 15th January 2024.
Christmas is coming, and we are looking forward to the first Garden Village nativity this time next year.
We can confirm the name and details of the Chair of Governors for our new academy.
We are delighted to present to you the Headteacher of Garden Village Primary Academy, Mrs Sonia Burke.
Have a look at our uniform samples ...
Photographs showing the fantastic progress being made on the new build.
Our first Academy brochure for parents and carers.
We hope you will want your child to be part of the first group of children to attend our school.
Overwhelming support for the new school
Great to see the development of the new building and site proceeding at pace!
Please submit your application for Reception from the 1st November 2023.
We would like to offer you an opportunity to visit another of our Trust's academies prior to the opening of admissions.